Dear IUIS and ALAI members,
The celebration of the day of Immunology continues in Mexico today. We invite IUIS and ALAI members to follow our program live by internet at:
1. A symposium: “New talents of the Mexican Immunology”. In this symposium 21 early career professors who have recently returned to the country after a postdoctoral position abroad will present to the community their research lines and projects. The main goal is to promote the development of a strong young immunology community in Mexico to counteract the brain drain that our country suffers since long time. Mexico City
2. We will launch a special issue on Immunology of the “Ciencia” (Science) magazine edited by the Mexican Academy of Sciences. This volume is dedicated to explain in simple words to the general non-scientist public, about the different aspects of Immunology and its influence in people life. Mexico City
3. A poetry book “Versoplasia” will be presented by its author. This book creates poetry using the immune system and immunology concepts as inspiration source. Explore art and science junctions in a beautiful way. Mexico City
4. A course on “Antibody Microarrays for proteins identification” has been organized at Zacatecas City at the north of Mexico to promote Immunology development outside the big cities.
Please help us to distribute this information among your colleagues. Please find a copy of the program in the attached file
For more details of our activities please visit our website:
The Argentinean Society of Immunology is participating on Wednesday April 29th in the Explore Zone.
2.00 PM. Introduction to the Day of Immunology.
2.15-2.30 PM. What is Immunology about? What are we talking about when we speak of Immunology? speaker: Dr Guillermo Docena
2.30-3.00 PM. How does our body defend us against diseases and why do we become sick? speaker: Dr Eloísa Arana
3.00-3.30 PM. What do Argentinean immunologists do at work? speaker: Dr Eloísa Arana
3.30-4.00 PM. What happens when our immune system fails? Where can we find help? Speaker: Dr Eloísa Arana
4.00 a 4.30 PM. Why do we vaccinate? What happens if we don´t vaccinate? Speaker: Dr Norberto Zwirner
4.30-5.00 PM. What is cancer? Can we prevent it? Dr Norberto Zwirner
Games and prizes!!! Dr Cecilia Muglia
The SBI will have an active participate of the Day of Immunology by celebrating the date in the national Brazilian news and also promoting workshops about the importance of the immunology.
We holding a couple of public lectures on the topic of vaccination on 29th of Aprial, as well as publish, or at make electronically available, a Croatian translation of the „Your Amazing Immune System“ EFIS booklet for children.
We plan to celebrate in Havana in all 13 Sections and also in our 10 chapter in other Cuban provinces
Hungary, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest 29 April 2015
This is the 11th event for the Day of Immunology organized by the Hungarian Immunological Society and the Immunological Committee of the National Academy of Sciences in Budapest 29 April 2015. The goal of the meeting is to promote the current issues in immunology for the public, and the secondary school students.
The title of this year’s theme: Immune defense mechanisms in virus infections: Ebola, HPV, HIV
14:00 Elnöki köszöntő
14:10 Az igazi virtus, avagy a vírusok elleni küzdelem
Bácsi Attila, DE, Immunológiai Intézet
14:40 Hogyan okoz megbetegedést az Ebola vírus és mit tehetünk ellene?
Németh Péter PTE-KK Immunológiai és Biotechnológiai Intézet
15:10 Korunk “pestise” a HPV
Koiss Róbert ESZSZK Szülészet Nőgyógyászati Osztály
15:40 A tudományos ülést bezárja Erdei Anna az MTA rendes tagja, az ELTE Immunológiai Tanszék vezetője
Kampen mot infeksjoner
27. April 2015, kl 11 – 15
Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29
Immunologiens dag er et verdensomspennende prosjekt for å formidle
immunologisk forskning ut til publikum
Forsker Johanna Hol, Oslo Universitetssykehus
Hvordan takler immunforsvaret infeksjoner?
Professor Erik Dissen, Universitetet i Oslo
”Nye” medspillere i forsvaret mot infeksjoner
Avdelingsdirektør Ulf Dahle, Folkehelseinstituttet
Tuberkolosemedikament og resistens mot disse
Professor Rebecca Cox, Universitetet i Bergen
Hvordan svarer kroppen på influensvaksiner?
Overlege Trude Arnesen, Folkehelseinstituttet
Hjertelig velkommen!
Gratis adgang og åpent for alle – lett bevertning
IIS made a nationwide campaign for celebrating the World Immunology Day which received immense response from all over India. Twenty two institutions from far north, north –east, east, west, central, northern states, national capital region, south and south-eastern states of India will celebrate the day. Programs include interactive sessions with students, popular talks on role and scope of immunology in health care, sharing thoughts and vision of experienced and renowned immunologists etc.100-300 participants are expected in each of these 22 celebrations .Target participants are undergraduate/graduate/post graduate students.
Public Outreach Event (Meneki Fushigi Mirai 2015)
August 9, 2015
Tokyo, Japan
Lithuania, at Vilnius University faculty of medicine
conference for the international day of immunology
„About VITAMIN D and its role in immunity“
Vilnius University Hospital „Santariškių klinikos“, Santariškių st.. 2, Vilnius
April 29th, 2015
The conference is intended for physicians, laboratory biologists and the general public
conference Program
14.00 – 14. 15 Welcome message by the President of the Lithuanian Society for Immunology dr. Mykolas Mauricas.
14.15 – 14. 40 Vitamin D physiology
Prof. Gintautas Kazanavičius, Medical center ViaMedica
14.40 – 15.10 Vitamin D deficiency: problems and solutions
Dr. Andrius Bleizgys, Vilnius University
15.10 – 15.40 Vitamin D and the immune system
Prof. Aurelija Žvirblienė, Vilnius University, Institute of Biotechnology
15.40 – 16.10 Vitamin D detection
Ignas Krasuckis, UAB „Roche“
16.10 – 16. 40 Discussions
Fecha y horario: Jueves 30 de abril, 2015, 8:00 am a 8:00 pm
Lugar: Auditorio del Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, nueva sede, CU
Tercer Circuito Exterior S/N, Ciudad Universitaria, México D.F
(ver mapa al final de este documento)
Programa e informes:
Transmisión en vivo por Internet:
8:30-8:45 |
Palabras de Bienvenida Dr. Constantino López Presidente SMI |
8:45-9:00 |
Genaro Patiño (HIMFG) |
Estudio de proteínas motoras y de transporte intracelular en la activación de Linfocitos |
9:00-9:15 |
Samira Muñoz (IMSS) |
El mastocito y sus diversas funciones en inmunología |
9:15-9:30 |
Roberto Rosales (UNAM) |
Patogenia y respuesta inmune en la infección por Burkholderia cenocepacia |
9:30-9:45 |
Lourdes Álvarez (HIMFG) |
Inflamación: Crónica de una muerte anunciada |
9:45-10:00 |
Alejandro Sánchez (UANL) |
Trampas extracelulares de neutrófilos: mecanismos de inducción e importancia en la enfermedad |
Tunisia, celebrate the day of Immunology the 26th
From 10 PM to 2 AM at the scientific city of Tunis. The theme is about the vaccination.
The national congress is organize at the same day