Wednesday 19th February 2020 at Welcome Genome Campus, UK

The conference will explore and discuss various aspects of the non-specific effects ofvaccines, including their impact on neonates and infants, how generalisable and durablethese effects are, the implications for geriatric and veterinary medicine, and why non-specific effectsshould differ between sexes and across the lifespan.

  • Early bird: 26 November 2019
  • Bursaries: 10 December 2019
  • Abstracts: 17 December 2019
  • Registration: 21 January 2020

Key Topics
  • Importance of non-specific effects of vaccines
  • Evidence from clinical trials
  • Effects of vaccines on the epigenome
  • Sex differences in immunity and response tovaccines
  • Potential off-target use of vaccines
  • Vaccination of the elderly
  • New vaccines/testing products in pipeline

Scientific Programme Committee
  • Eleanor Fish – University of Toronto,
  • CanadaRebecca Chandler – Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden
  • Nigel Curtis -The University of Melbourne and Murdoch Children’s Research Hospital, Australia
  • Sabra Klein – Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • Christine Stabell-Benn – University of Southern

Keynote Speaker

Mihai Netea – Radboud University, The Netherlands

Confirmed Speakers
  • Peter Aaby – Bandim Health Project, Guinea-Bissau
  • Petra Arck – Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
  • Nigel Curtis – University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Rebecca Chandler – Uppsala Monitoring Center, Sweden
  • Hazel Dockrell – LSHTM, UK
  • Denise Faustman – Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
  • Adam Finn – University of Bristol, UK
  • Katie Flanagan – Monash University, Australia
  • Sabra Klein – Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • Darryn Knobel – Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, West Indies
  • Ofer Levy – Boston Children’s Hospital, USA
  • Camille Locht – Institut Pasteur, France
  • Magdalena Plebanski – RMIT, Australia
  • Marjorie Robert-Guroff – National Cancer Institute, USA
  • Patrick Wilson – University of Chicago, USA

Event Details