This Prize of Excellence aims at rewarding significant achievements in Vaccines R&D in Europe. This includes the discovery of new vaccine antigens, new vaccines design, understanding the basics of immune responses, new technologies that will improve the future of vaccines and vaccination, and that are supported by proof-of-concept data (preclinical and clinical).
Application for the 2020 prize edition has closed.
Criteria for application
- Academia: Associate Prof or Senior PostDoc level
- Europe based research
- Research report with own achievements in vaccinology/R&D
- Publication list of the last 5 years
The IUIS continues promoting and fostering the scientists at an early career stage. Therefore, the prize should focus on Associate professors or Senior PostDoc established in Europe (having worked some years in the field of vaccinology and having already established their own working group/lab). Here is what your application should look like:
- a 5-page expose (max), in pdf format
- 1 paragraph summary of the research topic that also states the goal of the research
- A short resumé of the last 5 years
- A selection of the 10 most important publications of the last 5 years. Denote what the most important findings have been!
- your CV
- proof of memberships (IUIS, EFIS or any European Immunology/Vaccinology Society – This award is supposed to reward the research and development in Europe)
Process of application and selection
- Application must be sent to the IUIS Secretariat: iuis-central-office@kit-group.org
- IUIS will distribute of applications to the IUIS Vaccine Application Committee (VAC) to verify application quality and applicant status to ensure alignment with the established award rules
- A Jury composed of 2-3 members of IUIS (president, member of executive committee, chair/member of VAC) and 1 or 2 members of the commission will select the winner amongst the applications received. One representative from Vaccines Europe will join the Jury as an observer.
- Announcement of the winner by the IUIS president and IUIS VAC chairmen
Winner’s benefits
- Prize amount of 10 000 EUR
- Legitimate expenses (travel, accommodation, meal) for the winner to attend the Award Ceremony will be refund based on invoices and receipts provided by the winner.
Winners’ conference registration fees will not be covered.
A first interim report is to be submitted to the IUIS by the end of 2019, describing how the Prize funds are to be allocated. By the end of the first quarter of 2020, a final report is due, outlining how the funds were spent.
Process of Prize Award
- The winners will receive the money in the year of selection, meaning before the end of 2019 for the first prize and before the end of 2020 for the second prize
- The IUIS President accompanied by the VAC chairman and a VE representative will hand over prize certificates to the winners of the two prizes during an Award Ceremony organized in April 2020 in the frame of the European Immunisation Week in Vienna, Austria (date of the Award ceremony to be confirmed)
- During the award ceremony, the winners will present his/her research topics in form of a short lecture (15-20 minutes)
The 2020 Prize
2020 Timeline
- Application Announcement: December 2019
- Deadline for application submission: 29 February 2020
- Decision of winner: March 2020
- Announcement of winner: end of March 2020
2020 Jury
- Ursula Wiedermann – Chair of the IUIS Vaccine Committee
- Rita Carsetti
- Joanne Flynn
- Isabelle Bekeredijan-Ding
- Jan Holmgren
- Ed Lavelle
- Hedda Wardemann
- Winfried Pickl – IUIS Council member
- Observers: Philippe Denoel – Chair of Vaccines Europe Research Working Group, Faith Osier – IUIS President

Winner: Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr. Phil. Nat (Germany), Helmholtz Diabetes Center, Research group Immune tolerance in diabetes, Institute of Diabetes Research, Munich, Germany
Research Topic: Mechanisms of Treg vaccination in autoimmune Type 1 diabetes
The 2019 Prize

Winner: Stanislas Goriely, MD PhD (Belgium), Institute for Medical Immunology, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Research Topic: fundamental mechanisms of gene regulation at the edge between innate and adaptive immune responses
The 2018 Prize

Winner: Christian T. Mayer, PhD (Germany), Post Doc at Rockefeller University N.Y., currently working at Twincore, Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research (lab of Prof. Tim Sparwasser), Hannover, Germany
Research Topic: Basic regulatory mechanisms of the immune system- Tregs and DCs: promotion of self-tolerance and therapeutical manipulation of the immune response; selection processes in GCs in response to vaccines, including HIV antigens.
Award Ceremony: September 2018 – The IUIS President accompanied by the VAC Chairperson and a Vaccines Europe representative presented prize certificates to the winners of the 2017 and 2018 Prize editions during a ceremony organized within the broad program of the IUIS European meeting (European Congress of Immunology – ECI 2018). The winners were invited to present their research topics in the form of a short lecture (7 minutes) at the end of the IUIS vaccinology session.
The 2017 Prize

Winner: Tineke Cantaert, PhD (Belgium), currently working at the Institut Pateur du Cambodge.
Research Topic: Host immune responses to infectious diseases of high prevalence in South-East Asia
Award Ceremony: September 2018 – The IUIS President accompanied by the VAC Chairperson and a Vaccines Europe representative presented prize certificates to the winners of the 2017 and 2018 Prize editions during a ceremony organized within the broad program of the IUIS European meeting (European Congress of Immunology – ECI 2018). The winners were invited to present their research topics in the form of a short lecture (7 minutes) at the end of the IUIS vaccinology session.